Monday, March 26, 2007

My Personal Experience with Digital Music

Digital music has become a dominant force in the music industry and is predicted to do nothing, but expand in the future. Personally, I disagree with how the music industry has evolved where it has become easily accessible to download free music from the Internet. However, Microsoft's approach helps to solve the problem of illegal downloads. ITunes is a program that allows users to pay for individual songs. Then the songs are included in a library on the user's computer and are available for iPod use. Although many believe iTunes to be flawless, I have found some faults in the program. Every song in the system is uniformly priced even though some songs are downloaded more often than others. Microsoft has the ability to gain profit by fluctuating the prices of different songs based on popularity. In addition, songs illegally downloaded from the Internet can also be included in the iTunes library. I feel that this is a problem because it connects iTunes to illegal downloads from the Internet. Microsoft should separate itself and only make songs downloaded from iTunes available on the program.

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