Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Ideal Television

There has been a recent revolution in technology with the improvement of cell phones, the internet, and in the music industry. However, television has yet to join this revolution. Television viewers are paying monthly reates for hundreds of channels that they do not necessarily watch on a regular basis. To solve this, there have been attempts to link the television to the computer thus allowing viewers to choose their special programs at any time during the day. Television companies should offer packages that allows the viewers to choose their favorite channel. Rather than paying a ridiculous price that contains hundreds of channels that the television is company is forcing me to pay for, I would pay a given amount to have 15 of my favorite channels available to me at all times. This would satisfy the desires of the viewers and make television watching much more popular.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Ideal Cell Phone

Over the past decade, technology in the cell phone industry has developed at an exponential rate. A few years ago, cell phones were large, physically unattractive, and limited to incoming and received calls. Now phones can fit in the palm of a hand, have colorful screens, and contain many functions. Although phones have improved drastically over the past decade, I feel that they can get even better. My ideal phone would have a built in navigation program to solve my problem of getting lost everywhere I go. In addition, my ideal cell phone would be waterproof. I have broken my phone numerous times as a result of getting it wet and I know many others who share the same problem. Finally, my ideal cell phone would have service underground in subway trains. By combining these three aspects into the already advanced cell phone, there would be a revolution in the cell phone industry.